March 18, 2010

nerves a flutter...

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breathe in, breathe out...four words run circles in my mind this morning as i look out over the lake upon this new day, i feel as Danielle De Barbarac did in one of my favorite movies from adolescence "ever after", cheesy i know but i'm willing to accept that. i love the part when she climbs the steps to the ball and she's dressed in this enchanting outfit, looking as lovely as ever and the words she mumbles to herself in order to try and attain even the smallest amount of nerves are, "just breathe".

today is a new day, to look upon it with such awe and fear in hopes of making the most of it, well it's an exciting feeling. oh and today flowers are on my mind...

1 comment:

kate maggie said...

Oh amanda..this was so lovely. Your writing is so amazing!