October 6, 2008

darjak diaries...

entry #1 - mere beginnings...

8 people pack their bags full of what little belongings they have with the goal of achieving a call greater than themselves. they hit the road filled with a desperate passion to see aussie youth changed by the heart of god, and through love, bring hope to a generation that needs it most.

3 days, 30 hours, 16 pit stops, 120 pieces of chocolate, 450 something songs, and 0 arguments later they arrive at their destination. shaking off the cobwebs of the many hours past with closed eye's, they step out onto a sun-scorched land that is not their own. vision clear, and hearts on fire, they begin the journey god's laid out for them, not sure of what awaits around the corner but ready to take on whatever lies ahead...


stephen john bryde said...

120 peices of Chocolate ?!

i wish i came !!

amanda. leanne. bryde. said...

you would, you chocolate lover you ;)