"a division or contrast between two things that are, or are represented as being opposed or entirely different..."
i have been thinking on this a lot lately. often things in life are one way or the other, they can often be opposing as well. take for example the city of jakarta...
i have been here for over 2 weeks now and it's mind blowing when i think about the separate dichotomy's that i have experienced. here i am walking in the heart of the city, admiring the breathtaking structures that ascend into the sky, then in the blink of an eye, there i am starring into a poverty induced area, barricaded by walls and fences so as not to clutter the beauty of the city streets.
in the midst of being surrounded by such opposing sides i find myself drawn. but not to just one side alone, i find myself drawn in fact to the people, the people who find themselves situated on one of these two sides.
i am in love. in love with the faces, the gestures, the movements, the longings, the desires, and so much more that i have witnessed in my time here. i am in love with the beauty that God's children posses, the things that mold and shape them to be who they are. there is a desire awakening within me to respond...respond to the cry, the call, the smile, the pain, the joy, the laughter, the felt need, the eternal need. how does one respond? to be honest that i am still working out...
i am reminded of the story of the "Good Samaritan" (Luke 10:25-36). i have been confronted with the fact that so many times i fall into the role of one of the first two people, crossing the path of the injured man lying beaten and bruised by robbers who stripped him of all he had and left him in the road. i too often find myself quickly passing by without even a second look let alone a second thought. i long to respond with the actions of the "Good Samaritan", so why don't i?
i am coming to realize more and more that not only like the city of jakarta and many others with their confronting dichotomies, there is an ongoing dichotomy that i am having to battle daily, it is that of my flesh and my spirit. i am faced with that of my flesh which desires what is contrary to my spirit, and my spirit desiring that which is contrary to my flesh...both opposing one another (Galatians 5:16-17). because of my love for God, my desire is to be led by the spirit, but in choosing that i am constantly confronted with and in conflict with the opposite. it is an ongoing challenge, but one that i choose to fight daily and know that in the end "all things God works for the good of those who love him..." (Romans 8:28).
*pictures will come soon....*
Sibling Spotlight
13 years ago