his name is stephen john bryde.
you may be asking yourself, "why does she want us to meet him?" well the reason for this introduction is because he plays a very important role in my life. not only is he rapidly becoming my best friend and close confidant, he's also a kick up the butt or slap in the face when i'm selfish or stubborn. he's a warm embrace when i'm lonely, or hurting, he's a strength when i'm weak, he's a shoulder to cry on when i'm sad, or a smile and full of joy when i'm happy. he's an inspiration through his creativity and vast knowledge and love for design, languages, music, other cultures and nations. he's also so much more that i have yet to experience....
he's my boyfriend.
we have been through a lot in our relationship thus far but it is a journey that i wouldn't trade for anything. thanks stephen for just being you.